+49 15 77 89 22 44 6 fp@pjie.de

An event powered by

„The present convergence of crises – in money, energy, education, health, water, soil, climate, politics, the environment, and more – is a birth crisis, expelling us from the old world into a new.”

Charles Eisenstein

We clearly live in crises and in transition. Our attention is kidnapped by the omnipresent “Corona narrative”. Therefore it feels existential to guard a healthy human sense, staying grounded and sharing a vision of where we want to grow towards. 

With this in mind we have designed an online event, allowing us to stay connected and built connections. It is a day, offering you a space of connection with yourself and others, a sense of community, virtual and real, a platform for exchange and inspiration, an opportunity for sharing and listening.


The experiment:

Find a way to connect locally and virtually at the same time. How can that be possible?

We would like to offer people a possibility, to join their local / regional tribe physically and connect them with the larger European circle of friends from Charles Eisenstein.

In the registration form we will ask your home town and ZIP code and your permission to share this data with other people from your place. That enables you to INVITE people from your region to gather physically and to get to know each other.

With the technology of the ZOOM application, we will open virtual rooms where you can meet and connect with people from your region (with those, who can’t join your physical meeting).

So, let’s try to build a closer and more vital community, to walk the path of the more beautiful world together.

Your commitment:

This day starts early: If you feel it, you can join a silent meditation, online or offline, starting at 7:00 am.

The core event is the program from Sunday, 25 – 10 – 20 starting at 9:45 am (CET – UTC + 1) and closing at 7:00 pm.

In the center, from 3 to 5 pm Charles will join the circle. He will offer a work-shop, a talk and / or a Q/R session. This slice of time might also be viewed on live streams (Facebook, Youtube).

Please take time – if you can – for the whole program. It creates an energetic container, even more subtle in the online world. The sessions will be closed after beginning. Consider to join some minutes before. If you choose to participate only in segments, be aware that you will drop out of the weaving.

How this will work:

To join this live-online event, you don’t need to have particular tech skills. It’s very simple:

After registering, you will get all information and access codes by mail. Please be aware that the virtual meeting room will be closed after the start of the session. Join simply some minutes before! This can increase the “zen-experience” of the session.

All the times are in CET time. BE AWARE, THAT EUROPE CHANGE FROM DST (daylight saving time) TO NORMAL TIME IN THE NIGHT FROM 24 – 10 to 25 – 10 – 20. That’s an awareness challenge for all of us !

The virtual event will happen on ZOOM. If you don’t know this tool, please check it out on the web and follow some instructional videos (https://support.zoom.us/hc/de/articles/206618765-Zoom-video-tutorials) and enjoy the simplicity of this application.

Please check and test your equipment and make sure that you have a convenient internet Bandwidth (https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/204003179-System-requirements-for-Zoom-Rooms)

What about money:

Per usual, the cost of this event is self-determined. You can choose zero and still be equally welcome. For real :). The guideline is, pay whatever reflects your feeling of fairness, value, gratitude, and respects your financial means.

We ask for a small amount of 15,00 € when registering. This money helps us to cover the costs for organization, communication and technical realization of the event. This registration fee can also contribute to more clarity about your commitment and strengthen the common energy field.

You also can consider to offer more. This money goes then to further support of the work of Charles Eisenstein.

After the event, and in case that you feel unsatisfied from what you’ve got, you can ask for refund without any justification.


Sunday, 25TH OF OCTOBER 2020

7:00 – 7:30 AM
Offline or Online

with a silent tuning in

On ZOOM : Lighting the candle, singing bowl, silence. After 30 min. singing bowl, maybe cameras on to see the other, in silence

09:45 am
Arrival in silence

The moment of transition is now 

10:00 am
Introduction and Methodes of sharing

Leading questions: 

Where am I in this? What would I need to support the more beautiful world? What can I offer?

10:10 Am
Breaking up in Groups according to chance (five) 
11:15 am
Sharing in the bigger round
12:00 PM
Break for Lunch
02:30 PM
Sound Performance / Embodied Movement Meditation with DJ Alma ∞ Omega:

In this slice of time after lunch–and before Charles shares his process & presence with us– Alma ∞ Omega will take us on a journey of Sound, Movement & Awareness:  helping us to come home to our bodies by moving, stretching, breathing, dancing or simply being present with whatever is.  You are welcome to join exactly as you are, and move and include this human experience together.
Here you can listen to one her pieces of SoundArtWork. Enjoy.

03:00 PM
Meeting with Charles
Charles will join the circle of our friends in Europe. He will stay on ZOOM with us for about two hours. This will take the form of a workshop, a talk, a Q/R session or whatever serves our container. The form of his presence is currently unknown, but will emerge depending on the amount of people present.
05:00 PM
Coffee break and building of home groups
05:30 PM
Sharing in the home groups
Here we will open virtual spaces for regional / local meetings. And maybe you will take the decision to meet physically one day. Or cooperate in other ways to feel the connectedness.
06:30 PM
Coming together in the big circle. Sharing intentions. Listening. „What is mine do do?“
07:00 PM
Closing the day, celebration.

Some voices from participants from the Live Workshop that Charles offered in 2019 in Steyerberg, Germany :

“Thank you for your courage to think new ways! Thank you for speaking out loud what in my heart I already knew. I just fnished reading your climate-book and will give it many of my friends for reading. It’s inspiring and strengthening. I’m not on my own!”


I loved the stories shared by Charles and appreciated his authenticity. I was very impressed by his presence and focus on the essence. Thank you so much for taking the time to share glimpses of a more beautiful way of being with us. 


I appreciate and value your „naturalness“, as you put yourself on the very same level as we „participants“, humble and dedicated to keeping on asking questions andcontinuing to learn and understand more deeply. And you radiate a wonderfully contagious positivity 🙂 


Charles Eisenstein

Charles Eisenstein (born 1967) is a public speaker, gift economy advocate, and the author of several books including The Ascent of Humanity (2007), Sacred Economics(2011), and The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (2013)

Eisenstein’s latest book, Climate—A New Story, was published in September 2018. Described as ‚flipping the script on climate change,‘ in it he addresses the framing, tactics and goals of our approach to environmental issues. He proposes that if we were to feel that the rivers, forests, and creatures of the natural and material world were actually sacred or at least valuable in their own right, then our response might be more wholesome and ultimately effective. He decries valuing the living world simply for its carbon credits or for preventing the extinction of one species or another.

Who are the organizers?

This live-online event is dreamed and organized from people from the European Charles Eisenstein Community.
It is a contribution on the way to the more beautiful world our hearts know and to facilitate in these times of big transitioning.


Meet Our Team

Frédéric PJIE
Frédéric PJIE


I am a peace worker. And I feel a strong connection to the work from Charles Eisenstein and the world he is showing us. I want to come closer to this more beautiful world. And that is the basement of my support and contribution to his vision.

In October 2019 I facilitated a tour from Charles in Germany and Austria; since this time I took care of the European Community hosted on the Facebook page “charleseisensteinineurope”. Today, we are very close to the number of 1000 members.

When I’m not organizing events with Charles, I work as a certified mediator and coach, I can support you in changing situations, team-building and empowering, conflict management. I work in France and in Germany and I love intercultural missions.

Here you can read more about my background, my passions and my skills :

In English : https://www.linkedin.com/in/fpjie/

In German: www.pjie.de

In French: www.lemediateur.fr

Alma ∞ Omega/Maegan GORBETT
Alma ∞ Omega/Maegan GORBETT

Sound and Performance fay

Alma ∞ Omega/Maegan Gorbett dedicates her life to weaving the succulent strands of Music, Dance, Embodiment, Connection & Community as an offering of joy & purpose. With the wide-spectrum of her creative-soul-driven offerings, her drive is to serve the (collective/individual) healing of the past, help midwife the emergent- juicy-present of transformative-cultures, all while keeping in mind the wider vision, for future generations to come.

Alma ∞ Omega is the co-founder of Lucid, has been Djing since 2003, and is an Open Floor Embodied Dance Teacher: She has been studying and deepening her knowledge of the healing-realms for over 20 years, ALONGSIDE her passion & love for underground-electronic-music, house-culture, art, embodied-dance & ritual…




Connection with like-minded and „like-hearted“ people feels more important than ever to me in this time of transition as well as time of division and uncertainty.
Where do we want to go, what does a more beautiful world look and feel like, and – what is mine to do?
As Charles Eisensteins words and visions resonate deeply inside of me, it is my wish to contribute to this event, to create and strengthen connections between like-minded people, and to nourish our ideas of a new world with inspiration and confidence.



Die schönere Welt, die unser Herz kennt, ist möglich! Ich freue mich, wenn wir uns in diesem Sinne verbinden- immer wieder, immer mutiger, immer respektvoll, immer frei.

Warum ich mitmache bei der Vorbereitung:

Charles‘ Buch „Die schönere Welt, die unser Herz kennt, ist möglich“ war wie eine Offenbarung für mich. Dann, im Oktober 2019, habe ich Charles im Lebensgarten Steyerberg erlebt und gehört und fühlte mich berührt und inspiriert. Frédéric und Ute-Maria haben mir dabei durch ihre achtsame, durchdachte, erfahrene Moderation ermöglicht, die vielen Denkanstöße und Empfindungen mitzunehmen in meine Lebenswirklichkeit. Darum war ich begeistert, als Frédéric den Anstoß dazu gegeben hat, Charles ein Jahr nach seinen Begegnungen in Europa wieder hierher einzuladen- live online!

Ich freue mich darauf, dass viele Menschen, die sich für eine schönere Welt einsetzen, zusammentreffen können (an den Monitoren) und  sich in einem weiteren Schritt lokal vernetzen können!

Dr. Marietta Johanna SCHÜRHOLZ
Dr. Marietta Johanna SCHÜRHOLZ

Midwife and Weaver

This is what calls me to cocreate this event: How can I hold space for connection when fears creates dissociation?

The last months (since „corona“ has taken over) confronted me intensly with not knowing, I shifted from trembling and panicing to feeling like an exstatic adventurer and fully alive. Yet I feel that social connection, our ability to relate to others is being challenged, it is tested and invited to evolve. I want to nurture community and remember: I am not alone in this!

My background: I am filmmaker (www.ritual-film.com), an edgeworker (www.mutmacherei.org) and a trainer for possibility management (www.possibilitymangagement.org).

We think that when we are not doing anything we are wasting our time, that is not true. Our time is first of all for us to be. To be, to be what? to be alive, to be peace, to be joy, to be loving. And that is what the world needs the most. So we train ourself in order to be. And if you know the art of being peace, of being solid, then you have the ground for every action… because the ground for action is to be. And the quality of being determines the quality of doing. Action must be based on non-action.

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Contact us

„Verbindung, ein Zauberwort in Konfliktsituationen.“

+ 49 157 789 22 44 6

Winterbach, bei Stuttgart

Ich arbeite deutschlandweit sowie im europäischen Raum (Sprachen: Französisch, Englisch), physisch präsent oder auf digitale Weise (Telefon, Videokonferenz).



Pages d’internet en français: lemediateur.fr

Internet pages in English: LinkedIN

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